

Compact & sleek design to fit in all types of blister packing machines (Intermediate / Continuous Type)

High contrast compact OLED graphics display with 4-keys tactile keyboard – First in class

IR optical technology for online microhole detection up to 10 μm in aluminum foil

Inspects contoured forms as well as flat surface

Intelligent software reduces teaching me

High-speed inspection can detect pinholes at 30 m/min

Maintains hole-detect count

Different setting options available as per user requirements

  • Sensitivity levels to set the microhole size to be detected – First in Class

  • Digital adjustment for sensing area based on the width of the foil – First in Class

  • Calendar year – First in Class

RS232-communication with the PC interface

Password-protected setting access

Run-me diagnostics using a view-value option

24VDC output signals

  • SOOXMA ready signal

  • Solid state ‘Bad’ output on receipt of ‘Pinhole’

  • Interlock with machine PLC

  • Buzzer

  • One extra general-purpose output

  • Optional blister rejection unit with rejection verification sensor

Min power consumption: 10 Watt
